Apricot Frozen

Apricot scientifically known as ‘Prunus armeniaca’ are juicy and delicious fruits which belongs to the genus: prunus of Rosaceae family that include Peaches.

Apricot scientifically known as ‘Prunus armeniaca’ are juicy and delicious fruits which belongs to the genus: prunus of Rosaceae family that include Peaches, Nectarines, Plums, and Cherries. Apricot also called Chinese Almond, Common Apricot, Siberian Apricot. Apricots exist in different colors and sizes over 1000 varities, some popular varieties are Chinese, gold cot, tilton, wentchee etc. The Apricot is a drupe, meaning its fleshy fruit surrounds a single hard seed. Fruits are usually of medium size, between 4- 5 cm in diameter, globose to oval larger in some modern varieties. The flesh is firm and juicy. The fruit’s peel is smooth, with a natural short hair. Fruits colors pale green while young turning fleshy, succulent, white, yellow or orange colored often tinged red on the side due to exposed to the sun while mature. Apricots are the believed to have originated in China and possible also Korea and Japan, since then have been grown all over the world. The orange colored fresh and juicy taste of the Apricot makes it refreshing to eat on a hot summer day Apricots tree is a small to medium sized tree 4–8 m tall with a dense, spreading, round shade with grayish brown bark. It is slightly more cold hardy compared to peach. It can tolerate winter temperature nearly about -30oc. Apricot tree prefers well drained soil with pH of 6.0 to 7.0. Leaves are usually oval about 5-9 cm long and 4-8 cm wide with round base and pointed tips. Different cultivars are grown throughout the world with different size, color, and growth characteristics. Normally flowers has white to pinkish petals, are bisexual single or paired about 2-4.5 cm in diameter.

History Although history of Apricot is fairly unclear because of the widespread prehistoric cultivation, yet has been considered to be the northern, north-eastern and north-western provinces of China and maybe Japan and Korea. Before 3,000 years ago, domestic cultivation was done in China. Then after it spread towards Asia and also was introduced to Europe from Greece and Italy by Romans. Similarly English travellers introduced Apricot towards North America and Spanish missionaries into California. It is extensively grown in Eurasia and America. Today Apricot is cultivated throughout the world with climates that support it. Nutritional Value Fresh Apricots are a good source of several vitamins. A cup of sliced Apricots 165 grams supplies 22.57% of Vitamin A, 18.33% of Vitamin C, 9.80% of Vitamin E and 7.92% of Vitamin B5, the recommended daily intake according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data. Vitamin C is essential to the formation, growth, maintenance and repair of all bodily tissues, including skin, blood vessels, bones and teeth. Apricots also contain significant amounts of Nutrients and minerals including Dietary Fieber 8.68%, Copper 14.33%, Potassium 9.08%, Iron 8%, Manganese 5.52% and small amounts of several other nutrients, including calcium, iron and potassium, zinc, Tryptophan etc.
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